The bike was purchased used and driven a total of 100 miles. She has a custom paint job and runs perfect. The bike has a brand new battery and the bike only has 2. 00 miles on it. It has been garage kept and has not been exposed to the weather at all. Riding just isn't for me so I want someone else to be able to enjoy this beautiful bike. The reason I am selling the bike so cheap is because as I was sitting at a red light. the bike tipped over. I caught the majority of the damage on my arm but the bike suffered a dent in the gas tank (photo included) and a few scratches on the muffler pipe. She runs great and the dealership is trying to sell her for $4750 on consignment. Honestly. I know I wont get that so I am advertising her at a cheaper price. Any reasonable offers will be accepted. you never know what I may accept.