This is the neatest little bike i think i have ever owned(and I am 55y/o). She has electric start. ust push the starter button and she starts right up. The bike is in "like new" condition. It is used but not abused. The bodywork is in fantastic original condition. The seat is like new. The tires have nearly 65% tread left on them. There are no leaks or problems with this motorcycle. The inside of the fuel tank also looks new. The fuel tank has no dents or damage to it. The lights. linkers and all gauges work like they should. The bike only has 6730 on her. She will do a constant 60MPH on the highway with me on it at 220lbs and nearly 6ft tall. I have a clear title for the motorcycle and the tabs are new(she is completely street legal and ready to ride)! This is the bike that instructors choose to teach new riders on. ery nimble but sturdy with a low seat height and a very forgiving clutch. If you have any questions. just e-mail and I will get back to you. Thankskey words: big wheel/on off road/TW 200/trail way/enduro/On Apr-12-15 at 13:26:08 PDT. seller added the following information:Bike has clear MN title(must have been sleep typing last night sorry)