Excellent Ride. This is my wife's second bike. It handles and keeps up with any cruiser and handles so well that she had no problems taking the 20 mph blind hair-pin turn in Kancamagus Canyon at 57 mph. This bike is ~ 500 lbs. wit dual front Disc. Strong. Clean. no rust and ready to Ride. Oil and Shaft Drive oil change regularly (no leakage). Battery. tires. and breaks in very very good condition. K&N Air Filter. Valves adjusted last season and Carbs cleaned two years ago. Doesn't skip a beat. Chrome side covers. Custom hard detachable saddle Bags. After market pipes that sound Good and Strong (Not ear shattering). Cigarette Lighter Power connection. Battery Tender connector mounted. Clear large windshield. Highway cruise foot rest. Custom paint with only one blemish but is not noticeable unless very close. Under 46K my wife has rode this bike for 20K since we bought it and has ridden it over 10 hours straight stopping only for food and gas. Ths bike has been to Prince Edwards Island. Nova Scotia. Laconia. Americade. Niagara Falls. Kitchener (Canada) and West Virginia. Needs nothing.