WOW! This bike is amazing. I'm listing it for my non-eBaying friend. I listed his jeep last month and a beautiful Nissan Z is forthcoming. He has lots of toys but works so much he never gets to enjoy them. The only flaw on this bike is a ding on the top of the gas tank where some jealous Jerk wacked it with something while parked. Bike is crazy scary fast so please know what you're buying. This is not some beginner's cruiser or 600cc sport bike. It has the same HP rating as my 4WD SUV! Seriously! I don't know all the specs but they're easy enough to find via Google. I'm sure. Again. adult owned and garage stored for years. Needs a good dusting is all. I have flexible schedule and may be able to pick you up at airport so you can ride it home. I only ask that you prepay and have funds clear first. I don't want schlepp out to O'hare and find the buyer bugged out.