After 10 great years of riding this bike. it is time for us to part ways. The only reason I am selling it is because I was finally able to upgrade to a larger touring cruiser. This bike has been great for all the years I've had it and has never missed a beat. I have done everything from in town running around to long haul highway trips with a passenger. It has taken me to many states. Bike Weeks and BiketoberFests. Rolling Thunders. etc etc. The bike can do it all. Has great balance and is very nimble. Seats/leather are in great shape. Yamaha makes a solid dependable machine. Mechanically it has been solid and never given me an issue. It shifts smooth and brakes well. It has a few custom touches that make it one of a kind. - Matte Black paint - SEM HR010 "HotRod Black". It isn't totally flat. but has a subtle gloss and UV protection. Cleans up really nicely. It was originally the Gold/Black model. - Powder coated matte black HardKrome Big Straights exhaust wrapped in black heat reducing race tape. The wrap does help reduce the heat of the pipes and prevents from either burning your leg and melting your boot heel. but it was also done more so for an aesthetic touch. These pipes give the bike a strong deep sound. I have the short baffles in them so they are louder. A lot of people think it is a Harley. I do get some light backfiring when compression braking at lower rpms because of the lack of back-pressure from the short baffles. HardKrome makes a long baffle if you don't like it. but I think it sounds cool. - Custom rear Fender. I removed the rear tail light and license plate assembly. welded the holes and made the rear fender smooth and clean. - Custom side mount license plate bracket with light- I recently installed new black Run/Turn/Brake Bullet LED lights- Powder coated matte black Backrest. brackets. and luggage rack. - Memphis Shades quick release windshield - Floor boards and Heel-Toe shifter. - Kuryakyn ISO-Grips with Throttle Boss and Throttle Locker "cruise control" - K&N air filter- Carb Re-Jet Kit- Will include bike cover- Has quick adjustment suspension links. Can adjust to 4 different heights. Looks awesome completely lowered but i wouldn't suggest riding with a passenger on the lowest setting because the rear will bottom out on itself if you hit a good bump in the road. - Recently replaced Front and Rear tires (Front has less than 100 miles. Rear has less than 400 miles)As mentioned in the 'Used' description. There are a few minor cosmetic points of wear to be expected in a 10year old. almost daily. cruiser. But this is a solid bike all around and has many more years/miles left in it.