Very nice enduro with lots of accessories. This bike has a street legal title. I had to take bike to a testing facility for them to approve it as street legal. It is electric or kick start. -Brand new Yamaha factory performance titanium muffler. -street tires approx 90% tread left-slipper clutch. This makes the clutch automatic. I was unsure about this at first but now all my cuter bikes will have one. You can ride bike 1 handed. I have all parts needed to put original clutch system back on. -fmf power bomb header-Scott's steering stabilizer -stock factory stainless exhaust system (not pictured)- everything in the picture is included-this bike is very fast for the dirt or the road. -I also have a brand-new smaller rear sprocket for higher Road speeds. (Not pictured)please call with other questions. local pickup only224-399-7786