This is a very nice bike that I purchased for my kid. Unfortunately. he never took and now both my and my kids bikes just sit in the garage. He is a short rider. so this bike comes with both the standard link as well as a currently installed lowering link. a standard and soft spring. service manual. and some odds and ends. The bike starts with one kick. Registration and taxes are all current for Iowa and the title is free and clear. The bike is located a couple of miles from a nice ATV/Motocross park (why we wanted to get into it). We also have a full set of nearly brand new gear (boots. goggles. helmet. etc. ) that are for sale if interested. Please contact me with any questions prior to bidding. Bidders with less than 5 transactions are urged to contact me prior to bidding as the previous bidder was non-paying and expected me to get the bike to him. I am very flexible as to the pick up time for the bike and can hold it for up to a few months if needed. Thanks for looking. Feel free to ask any questions. and happy bidding.