We currently have on consignment what every person needs in their life! This LOW MILEAGE 2004 Ford has the legendary 7.3 powerstroke engine and has a ton of life left in it.... It has a very casual and conservative exterior done in a classy tu-tone wrap of black and silver! The interior is nicely done and has been well kept up over it's gently used life! Three sofa style couches are very comfortable and it has an updated head unit to connect your iphone/ipad to listen to all of your favorite music! Very nice sound system as well!This bus runs out/drives great and has been very well maintained! It has mostly been used for private parties and has not been excessively rented out or abused... There is a list of receipts that will show the level of care this bus has had recently! Turn the key and go! Very great business opportunity for the right person with entrepreneur goals!This bus must be sold prior to the end of the year so take advantage of this insane deal!