I bought this bike from a local Harley dealership about five years ago. It was used as a display bike at the dealership for a number of years until they decided to sell it. While far from perfect this little Harley looks cool. nbsp;runs well. and is fun to ride around town. The foot controls are opposite from what standard US Market bikes have now. It takes a little time to get used to it but it's not that tough. The man that restored the bike loved electric butt connectors so I went through the wiring harness and soldered those joints and shrink tubed them. The electrical system is six volt and I just replaced the battery. The voltage regulator was replaced soon after I bought the bike because the old one had failed. Take a look at the pictures and ask any questions you may have. The bike is currently registered and insured as it is taken for rides about once a month. The odometer shows 50 miles because the original was broken when I bought the bike. and I bought a NOS speedometer on Ebay. The original registered 4600 miles and will go with the bike when it's sold.