This is a really cool old Gilera 124. These were imported by Sears back in the 60's. It's titled as a "Gilera" but does have a faded "Sears" logo on the seat. and a "Sears Roebuck" tag on the frame (near the passenger peg). This bike has a clear California title and has been a lot of fun to ride around town (currently no-oped due to lack of time to ride). This little Gilera is easily the most reliable European motorcycle I've ever own. It has been sitting for about a year and started on the second kick. It handles great and has a five speed transmission and really gets up and goes for a 124. It isn't restored and has great patina. Please see the pics closely. as there is some rust on the rims and exhaust and scratches all over. The tank is very clean inside. The wiring is might need some work. The headlight works. but I couldn't tell if the brake light was working today (though it was really sunny). It was working when I put it away. but just for full disclosure. you might need to check up on the connectors. The wiring harness on this bike is insanely simple. so I wouldn't be too worried. Also. the front fender doesn't appear to be stock. but looks right. The bike was smoking a little bit today. but has been sitting for a long time (very little smoke to be honest). It'll probably clear out. but a set of rings might be in it's future. This is an old bike. so please be aware that it will need fiddling and adjusting-That's just how these old Italian bikes are. This bike would be great for Moto Giro. It is titled as a 1964. though I'm not sure if that is the exact year of make. Please ask any questions if you have them. Shipping is completely the buyer's responsibility.