This bike was bought by my brother brand new in 2007 in Texas, ut never got to be rode. It sat in his garage, overed, or 5 years, p until he passed away. I drove the bike up, ut it in my house, overed it and haven't rode since, or the past 3 years due to my daughters unexpected passing. It's never seen any type of bad weather & I've kept it COMPLETELY scratch & smudge free. It's still new & has a huge sentimental value to me. The ONLY reason I'm selling it is because I'm moving across country.The bike has 111 cubic inch S&S motor w/ a Mahoney carb. Entire bike is custom made w/ a $7000 custom paint job & custom chrome, ot 1 bit aluminum. Tires are still new, ith the back tire being a 110 Big Dog.