Up for bid is an original 1970 BSA 441 Victor. This bike was purchased from the original owners wife. He passed away in 2013 and I bought the bike after that. This bike never came with a speedometer but still has the like new original Dunlop made in Great Britain tires on it. Personally I don't think there's more than 2000 miles on this. It sat in a garage for the last 25-30 years. I had the carb rebuilt with a new viton tip needle and a new fuel petcock. The bike runs really well! The tank is aluminum so there is no rust. The downside is some of the chrome (mostly rear fender and rear wheel) has some rust pits as shown in the pictures. The muffler also has minor pitting. The rest of the bike seems pretty decent especially for it's age. Please let me know if you have any questions and I will try and answer them to the best of my ability. I am not a BSA expert but this thing is cool! Happy bidding!On May-04-15 at 04:32:35 PDT. seller added the following information:The title is clear and in my name. On May-06-15 at 07:34:33 PDT. seller added the following information: Forgot to mention but I do have a brand new set of fork gaiters that I will include with the bike.