This bike needs nothing. It is ready for the road. It has good tires on it and a fresh service on all three fluids. The clutch basket. compensator. primary chain and primary adjust were all replaced at 41790 miles. I just put the V&H big radius exhaust in here a couple of months ago. The air cleaned is a Kuryakyn Mark III with a K&N filter. I still have the 2 into 1 if you want it. It also has a Screaming Eagle Super Tuner with it. It has Focal speakers where the stock ones were and I also added two Polk Audio in the inside faring. They are all being pushed with a Rockford PBR 300. The windshield is a Windvest. There is a full size tour pack that matches the bike that will come with it. I will keep the back rest in the pictures for my other bike. I have also added two USB charging ports in the left glove box and a 12 volt port in the other one to charge all your electronics. The bike also has a set of PIAA driving lights to light the way at night. The only reason I am selling my bike is I found a CVO at a great price. I can't have both of them. These bike are made to ride all day. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.