This bike is unbelievable! Purchased new and has maintained in the same family it's entire life. After sitting for a few years the current owner restored the whole bike from the ground up! Started by powdercoating the frame black. Had the wheels and fork lowers all polished. New Tires. The bike only has 35 miles on it since the complete restoration. The motor was sent to Harley for reman motor program. It is BRAND new. New belt. new wheel bearings. all new seals in complete bike! The bike has just been entirely repainted and it is stunning! All new Braided lines and cables. LED taillight. Custom Black Ostrich seat! Everything is all there and brand new. Ready to ride! These FXR's are becoming harder to find and this one is practically new! I am listing the bike for a friend of mine. He had intentions of keeping the bike and riding it solo or around town. His plans have changed and has decided to list the bike. Don't miss out! Kyle419-467-7670