black and chrome old shovel 1982 first year no AMF bike has been redone by pros in the Denver area runs great fun as hell to ride has a wind shield that goes with it I just don't use it I was going to make it a five speed but did not get to it yet now need a new house and I have to sell to help with that thanks for your timeS&S Super 'E' carbTurbolatorHeads Polished. Ported and Shaved . 001Manley ValvesS&S Valve SpringsWiseco 9. 5:1 PistonsAndrews 'B' Grind CamCrane Hi-4 IgnitionNewer Gas TanksLaockhart Oil CoolerMustang SeatDetachable WindshieldHard BagsExhaust Torque ConesProgressive Rear Shocks