Great bike with lots of custom features. I'm 35 and have owned this bike for the last 7 years. and have really enjoyed riding it. Unfortunately now that I have a son I no longer ride the bike. so I want it to go to someone who will put it to use. Drag bars. custom paint. custom grips. forward controls. s&s carb. Andrews cam. Scorpion clutch. Fireball ignition. straight pipes. I performed regular fluid changes on the bike. anything more complex than that was done at Digger's Harley Davidson in Northford or Doc's Harley Davidson in Waterbury. Services that I have had done recently include inner and outer primary seals replaced. new rear tire and a valve adjustment. The bike was dyno-tuned by Dr. Dyno in New London to put out just under 100hp. This bike is a real head turner. The paint does have a few nicks in it from being ridden. and the chrome and aluminum could use a good polishing as the bike has been sitting for a while. but the bike ran great last year. which is the last time I rode it. Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you want to come see it in person. There is a very low reserve on this auction. and the bike is back on because the last bidder who won the bike never came through with the money. so please only bid if you are going to buy. The bike is located in Connecticut.