I have had this bike for many years . it has always been stored indoor and ran weekly up until 5 months ago when I moved and it was parked under a car port . it ran then but the throttle push/pull cable setup has frozen. so it doesnt start easily now . but is not frozen This bike has a unique history . it was built from entirely "found parts " from Dumpster dives and roadside rest stops . the massive headlight is from a 1940's semi truck . the hand shifter is a a 60's chevy alternator bracket. intage door knob and some old bicycle parts . yes it works! 5sp. the rear fender is cut from the original front fender . the seat is from my Sportster . he bars came from someones backyard pile . it always ran stopped shifted great . pretty fast lil bike! I used to cruise shows and events with it . I used to put around my neighborhood . it always got alot of attention . Good start for someone wanting a cheap thrill or easy build however not for everyone as there is some danger in riding such a rough machine . it also has a clean title . Buyer is responsible for arranging shipping / pickup . I can store for 30 days at no charge . these bikes are absolute tanks . this thing is loud and fun as Phuck