I'm selling a nice 69 ruby red Honda trail 70 mini bike. The bike runs but needs a new battery and a new kick arm. I am the third owner of this bike the second owner was my father and he had it for 25 years. This bike originally came from California and has not been out of the state. It is in good shape and has almost no rust. The paint is glossy but has some sun fading so I was going to have it reprinted. that is why the Honda stickers are removed but I do have new ones that come with the bike. It has new exhaust and a new chain guard. The motor runs strong and has been bored over one Time and has a new piston and rings. The speedo works the lights work. Most of the bike is original except the exhaust and the chain guard. The tires are old but still good. It comes with a bunch of other parts like manuals and a tool bag that came with it. The bike is currently on non op but is payed up. Again this bike will need a battery and kick arm but does run fine. This listing is for a pick up only. but I will work with you to have it shipped if you pay.