This bike is really as good as new. This is an awesome bike that is very comfy to ride. The rear fender is eliminated as shown. And the cover over the rear wheel. Other than that it is stock. MOney is owed to Honda financial. If you win this auction I will provide a Az bill of sale and you can take the bike and I will make sure that Honda or I gets the title to you as promtly as possible. They said 3 weeks in the mail. Or I can get it electronically at motor vehicle and fed ex it. I am unable to ride and really need to sell it . I regret it too because it is the nicest bike I have owned. SUPER NICE RIDE. SUPER FAST OF TRHE LINE. Hard to keep the front tire on the ground. Extra key and owners manual come with. This bike is ready to rock n roll. You will be responible for getting the bike home.