This bike runs and handles great and is a joy to ride. I have some extra gear (helmet and jackets) I will throw in as I will not be ridding anymore. I have also added the trunk and 24 in. C baileys windscreen. I also have the original windscreen and original side covers that replace the saddlebags. Trunk was installed so that it can be removed if you don't want it. Tires are new Avon Azaro and Avon Storm. which I have found to be the best tires on this bike. Brakes are recently serviced with sintered pads. Great. inexpensive. easy to care for. nbsp;fun to ride bike. I have a low reserve set. so the high bidder will have a great summer toy. I also have the original owners manual. tools. and many service records. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. I require a non refundable 500. 00 paypal deposit within 24 hours of auction end.