2001 Kawasaki Vulcan 750. Has 839 Original Miles.This bike was a great find. The original owner was an older man who had cancer. Soon after buying the bike he found that he couldn't ride it, /p>so it stayed parked in his building. My neighbor heard about it and traded a farm tractor for it. As soon as I saw the bike I bought it.I added about $1000 in extras. Things like windshield, addlebags, issy bar,luggage rack, rash bar, ighway pegs, and grips,fringe, nd tool pouch.I had a lot of plans on riding it this summer but some things came up and I have to sell it. The bike looks and runs great. It is a shaft drive.With only 839 original miles the bike is hardly broke in. I just got a new WV inspection sticker put on it.A new 750 Vulcan cost $8000. But I like the retro look of this one a lot better.I tried to upload more pictures but they won't load.Someone is going to get a good deal on a great bike.This auction is for local pickup ONLY.Payment must be made in full within3 days of auctions close.Good luck bidding.