This is a Oset electric trials bike with a bunch of custom items installed by the original owner. we purchased the bike last year and my son has out grown it. was a great bike for him. Not sure on exact year and was told it was a 2009 or 10? They did not change much i was told minor items frame color. plastics. This model has the 16inch wheels. it is the bigger 36-volt model. it has a rear foxshock. mozzocchi mountain bike forks. custom clamp and fat bars. updated brakes. wide rear rim. and pegs. These updates were done from original owner and cost was not cheap. I also have put new orange graphics. new tires and chain. i also have 2 new sets of batteries. 2 chargers. new rear sprocket gaurd (not in photo or installed) a set of original rims(Front & Rear). These bikes are quite and a great way to safely get kids started. feel free to contact me at (413) 233-8316. Please leave a message if you miss me. All cost and arrangements for shipping are buyers responsibility.