This an original investor bike. This is as new is it can get as this bike has never been registered or street ridden. hence the fact it only has 4. yes F O U R original miles. All factory documentation comes with this bike. It has been in a climate controlled setting its entire life. having lived in my friends basement in his bar room until recently when decided to sell it has been kept in his climate controlled garage. There aren't even any swirl marks in the finish as this bike has not yet been waxed. only "dusted" from time to time. This is as new and original as you will find. It is number 102 of the initial production series. as shown in the photo. I am selling this for a friend. so please if you have any questions please ask but give me a little time to contact my friend to ask him if I do not know the answer. Thanks for looking. Buyer assumes all responsibilities for shipping.