This is a super fun bike. it will go anywhere you ask it to!! I have taken it off road. and I have also taken it down the H3! It definitely lives up to its "enduro" title!! Going over the mountain doesn't even phase it. plenty of power!!! It only has 4. 00 miles on it. just broke in!!! Clean title in hand. no issues. no back taxes. I am just moving on. I have to many toys! Now for the specs! Top speed: 67 mph (108 km/h)Battery pack life (to 80%) 70. 00 miles (112. 00 km)Charge time: (standard) 4 hoursQuick charge time (option) 2. 3 hours (100% charged) / 2 hours (90+%)110V or 220V Maximum range: 58 miles (93 km)Drive train: Transmission Clutchless rear suspension travel: 9. 4 inches front suspension travel: 7. 7 inchesWeight:Frame: 19. 3 pounds Curb weight: 297 pounds Carrying capacity: 300 pounds