This bike is in very good condition. and not just for it's age. Myself and the previous owner have taken very good care of it. Take a look at the pictures and you'll see just how good of shape it's in. I've owned this bike for three years now and have only put a couple of thousand miles on it. which is why I feel like I should sell it to someone who has more time to enjoy it. We had some great weather today so I took the bike for a ride and got it all washed up. When I started it back up I noticed the battery was weak so I replaced it. The plugs were replaced the end of last July and the tires were replaced in early October. When I pulled the wheels to take them in to get the tires replaced I also replaced all of the wheel bearings all the way around. When they replaced the tires they also replaced the tubes. torqued all of the spokes and balanced everything. I've made two other small electrical modifications that you should know about. On the right side of the bike just behind where your knee would ride as you're on the bike I wired in a momentary switch directly to the electric fuel pump so you can prime everything before you start it. The other thing I replaced is the main fuse right off the battery. It had a sort of circuit breaker plugged in. but it stopped working properly so I replaced it with a standard 40 amp buss fuse. The original receptacle was not modified. so it could be removed and returned to original. Please ask any questions you might have and I'll answer them to the best of my knowledge. (if I don't know I may be able to refer to the service manual that is included in the sale) Thanks for looking!