Well maintained 32 year old bike. Front blinkers have been changed. Left side cover has a screw being used for a mounting fastener. Effective. but not pleasing to the eye. Bike has a little over 10. 00 miles. Valve seals were just replaced. as they were the originals and rather hard and brittle. Head gasket was replaced and inspection of cylinders looked good. Rubber. lights. chain and sprockets. and all controls are in good condition. Needle on speedometer is broke. but still works. Fork seals were replaced a few years ago. no problems since. Bike starts up fine and is in ready to run condition. Bike has no title. In Maine. nbsp;a bike this old can be registered no problem. just need bill of sale and insurance. I will be happy to provide a bill of sale. but there will be no title. of any sort. I also have an exact duplicate of this bike. minus one side cover. Higher mileage. but still a running bike. Could be included for a reasonable price.