This bike is in perfect running condition. It is a two-stroke and the oil pump HAS NOT been by-passed. Instead it has been rebuilt. along with the rest of the bike except the suspension. The Brand new parts are:brake and clutch levers. Tires. inner tubes. rim bands. rear sprocket. front sprocket. chain. rear sprocket circlip. rear brake pads. all hardware. fuel line w/clamps. hand grips. front brake pads. steering head bearings. complete engine gasket set. carb rebuild kit. reed block gaskets. spark plug. oils. There was a crack in the case which has been fixed. It is under the countershaft cover. not visible. Everything that was damaged when i got the bike last month from the original owner has been replaced with new items or used items in perfect condition. I completed this project and started the bike for the first time today 4/30/2015. It is missing the right side cover. i cant find it anywhere. If you dont know it's missing. you dont notice it's missing. I coated all the plastics except for the number plate with bed liner to give it that awesome look. Almost all the paint on the whole bike is new. I dont have a title. i will write a bill of sale. This is a no reserve auction.