Bought this bike sort of recently thinking I would ride it this summer. I have 6 other bikes that I can ride and decided I am going to sell this one. I just don't have any space. Now about the bike: It runs fantastic. starts first kick. YPVS system works as it should. It has aftermarket toomey pipes. canadian model carbs (no restrictions like the US carbs of the era) Fox suspension. Oil injection hooked up and working fine! Goes down the road very straight and is very fast for what it is. very lightweight. Comes with chin fairing which is currently not mounted on the bike. Cosmetically it is not perfect (see pictures) but it is okay. could use a new bikini fairing around headlight ($100 new online) other then that. everything else could be repainted or re-decal'ed. Odometer shows 15. 00 miles who knows if this is accurate or not. again this bike runs AWESOMEFeel free to ask any questions. Payment is expected in cash with a NON REFUNDABLE $200 deposit within 24 hours of auction close. Bike must be picked up in 7 days from auction close. If you can't do that please let me know when submitting your best offer. I can accommodate shipping companies but please contact me prior to making an offer or make a note of it in your offer.