This bike is loaded. plated. insured. and ready to go. I bought this bike from a FL man who was 72 years old and he had only put 3 hours and 27 miles on it! It was just too much for him so he let it sit for 2 years then couldn't start it. He put a lot of options on it but offroad riding wasn't for him. I wanted a lighter bike than my 2010 Husaberg FE 450 but I still love that bike and I just don't ride the Husky like I thought so one dirt bike is enough! I have completely gone through this bike and replaced the fuel pump. filter. and regulator because it had sat for so long (same parts as KTM/Husaberg so I've done this drill before). All power up mods and EFI settings have been done by Atlanta BMW Husqvarna who was the original dealer and installed all the optional parts. I'm a former BMW tech and have changed the oil every 5 hours. checked the valves at 20 hours. new tires at 15 hours and basically set up this bike. I also removed the chunky turn signal & plate holder and remounted everything. It has a lot of power for a 250 and is very quick. plus the EFI is a nice touch. The only issue is that it's a bit cold blooded when first started so you need to use the red choke lever but that's about it. It has some scratches on the underside of the right footpeg where I hit a rock ledge and some marks on the tank shrouds from my tie downs. Of course some GA clay is included on the engine. I can be reached at 651 270 3893 Colleen afternoons or evenings best. The price is at book value without the added $2000 worth of options. 325 miles (this may change slightly since the bike is for sale locally or I may ride it)21. 55 hoursTrail Tech Vapor GPS with temp speed etc sensors more functions than I know what to do withFull Akropovic titanium exhaust with header. mid-pipe. and spark screen. It's quiet to meet DS requirements but flows freely12 port EFI injector. new filter. fuel pump. fuel regulator. New Lion batteryNew Pirelli tires scorpion Xtra X mid soft. Front is DOT rated. Probably 10 hours on themTrail tech head light and maskEFI tuning &TPS setupSingle track sprocket setup with 12T front (I have 13T) and 50 rear but I can pull 70+ mph see picturesHusaberg bars to replace stock bars with full hand guardsTurn signals lights Touratech rack etc for dual sportScotts steering bracketThis 2012 model had 1" lower setting on suspension done by Husqvarna using spacers in the shock and the forks. They can be removed. I'm 5'8" and can touch the ground on the balls of my feet. Shipping can be done using your carrier that you set up. Alternatively. I will be heading up to WI in mid-June and can haul from Savannah if you help with expenses. I have the title in hand.