I bought this from the original owner about ten years ago. This bike is a great. solid bike but has been sitting unused for a little over two years now. The carbs need to be cleaned and it needs a battery. The fuel petcock needs to be rebuilt or replaced and is not on the bike. The bike has a clear title but I cannot find the physical copy. Not to worry. I will simply meet the buyer at the local office ten mins from my home with the bike and will sign over the title there. The bike has a Muzzy megaphone exhaust. muzzy egr delete plates. Muzzy aluminum radiator fan. Ted383's Radiator Fingers. Custom Billet grab handle delete spools. and a rare hand made MavWreck seat (RIP Mav!). Stainless braided brake lines and Braking pads. Ivan's stage 2 jet kit is installed. Tires have less than 600 miles on them. The body work is bit scuffed and dinged here and there. Its fallen over in the garage before. This would make a very nice bike for someone with just a bit of work.