Bike is in good shape overall. runs and rides well. and can be ridden home. It's an absolute blast to ride. and turns heads every time I take it out. Tires are old and have some dry cracking. but not bad. and I rode it all last summer that way. It occasionally leaks some oil. which is to be expected with these bikes. The engine number shows to be a 1968. and the chassis is a 1972. This is not a show quality machine but is a very nice rider and could easily be show quality with minor work. Shows 10. 87 miles on odometer. It was raining a bit when I took the pictures. The bike has been stored inside and hasn't been ridden in the rain while I've owned it. and was stored in a shop before I bought it. Appears to be almost completely original except for the paint. and the lack of matching engine numbers. I have a clear title. Come and check this out if you're in the area. Don't be afraid to call with questions. We are a brick and mortar independent motorcycle shop in Harrison. AR. I bought this bike for myself and have decided to sell it to fund other ventures. 870-741-3037 M-F 9-5:30