This bike is in decent shape for it's age. Bike runs and rides, verything I've checked (lights, rakes, orn, auges, tc.) all seem to work as they should. The carburetors will have to be cleaned, ebuilt or replaced as it tends to flood. Sometimes it idles, ometimes it doesn't. Tires are in very good shape and the battery is very good.I have clear title in myname and it is currently licensed. Included is 2 fairings (a Windjammer III and SS), Vetter trunk and removable suitcase saddlebags. I do not have the keys for any of this. To me the clutch is a little heavy, t works alright but, o me engages late, ike the cable needs adjusted. As it is now (carb issues and clutch adjustment, 'd ride it only if I were an experienced rider. I believe the miles to be original.Please ask all questions prior to bidding. For sale as local pick up only near Bloomfield, A. If you need it shipped, ou make the arrangements and pay for it (I'll help what I can from this end). Due to the carburetor issue, am selling as a project bike.Sold as-is, s described, s pictured (please look over before bidding). Thanks for looking!!